Monday, June 9, 2008

07/06/08 Recce at Pulau Ubin

Mr Siva, Maria and I were supposed to check out three sites - Sungei Ubin, Sungei Jelutung and the three bridges. However, the heavy thunderstorm made it really dangerous to venture out to the open area. Besides, we were with a group of Pedal Ubin participants so we had to observe safety.

We only managed to check out the mangrove patch at Sungei Ubin. We spotted larger mudskippers from afar and concluded that it may be the giant mudskippers (Periophthalmus schlosseri). After which, along the stream, I spotted a mudskipper that looked like silver-lined mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) but it was really difficult to conclude.

So here's the picture of the fellow:
mudskipper (cropped)

Then at the prawn ponds further in before the sluice gates, there were burrows of the giant mudskippers that made it look like a "schlosseri country".

That was one-third of Pulau Ubin checked. We will need another trip down.

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