Friday, July 4, 2008

SBWR recce on 25/06/08

The Mangrove Arboretum

Map of SBWR

The low tide for that day was at 11am but the time at which we were let off from our fieldtrip was about 1pm. Basically, there was a race against time to check out the mudskippers at the Mangrove Arboretum Boardwalk.

Armed with a camera which has zooming power much left to be desired and a pair of binoculars, I spotted more than 20 Periophthalmodon schlosseri just from MA1 to before MA2! Comparatively, there were lesser of Periophthalmus walailakae (like only 2!).

After which, the tide rose, period.

Ps. the mudskippers spotted were those nearer the boardwalk.

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