Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pulau Ubin on 22/07/08

People present: Maria, me
Tide: Rising to high

Time and tide waits for no man.

I reached Pulau Ubin when the tide is rising. Enough said.

The worst thing to commit when looking for mudskippers. Mid-tide is alright, but when we reached Pulau Ubin as the tide is rising, it is clearly impossible to recce all the different sites to check what is where.

I managed to get to Sungei Ubin before, so I knew that there are B. boddarti and Pn. schlosseri at the prawn ponds beyond the sluice gates. But when I reached there on my rented-for-$5 bike, the only mud flats exposed are beyond the power of the Opticron binoculars to be able to distinguish any mudskippers apart. However, I did see one Ps. walailakae above 10 in length a mere metre before me. There also about 5 other small ones in front of me but I was too engrossed with the large one.

I tried to go to the three bridges overlooking Sungei Mamam but the trail is closed to public!

Then Sungei Jelutong which was our last stop was obviously at high tide when we reached there.

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